
Who I Am and What I Do
I am a board certified massage therapist, licensed in New York State as well as nationally. I specialize in Manual Lymphatic Drainage and am certified in the Vodder technique. With an emphasis on post operative recovery, I treat all types of cases ranging from vascular issues such as Lipedema and Lymphedema, to auto immune disorders, fluid retention, sinus issues, TMJ, migraines and more.
Other practices and passions include Craniosacral Therapy, energy work and traditional Therapeutic Massage. I offer collaborative, client-led sessions where I draw from my “toolbox” of modalities to customize the perfect session for your goals and preferences.
My clients are often very invested in their wellness journeys. To that effect, I believe your own body is the most powerful self-healer. I simply act as a facilitator in guiding the right conditions for healing to take place, whether physical or emotional. It is my greatest joy and honor to be trusted with this process.
A Rochester, NY native; I traveled the world as a flight attendant for more than a decade, residing on both east and west coasts before arriving at my calling of massage therapy. Bodywork has played a critical role in my own healing journey from trauma, injury, and chronic pain. I am passionate about personal growth; and believe in the power of human touch even beyond the well-documented physiological and neurological benefits. Compassion and connection can change lives.